“ BMRA serves in an advocacy role with Town Council and staff on behalf of ratepayers to ensure and enhance our community’s quality of life.”
"Keeping the BMRA membership informed"
We have set our Annual General Meeting for Saturday, May 4th, 2019.
By Order of the Board dated February 24th 2019, Notice of the Annual General Meeting is now given and is posted on the Web Site (Notice of AGM 2019) and to be included in both our printed and electronic versions of the BMRA Newsletter “A View from Blue”.
Marsh Street Centre – Member Session starts at 9.00 AM – Public Session at 10.15 AM
Special Guest Speaker – Alar Soever – Mayor – TBM – during Member Section at 9.45 AM
“ BMRA serves in an advocacy role with Town Council and staff on behalf of ratepayers to ensure and enhance our community’s quality of life.”
"Keeping the BMRA membership informed"
90 Day Priorities
With the voting period about to start, the BMRA wanted to share with our members a chart that summarizes the top three priorities for the candidates. Almost all of the candidates have been able to provide that information to us – when the election is complete and the make up of the new Council confirmed, we will use the list of priorities as the basis for periodic progress reporting.
“ BMRA serves in an advocacy role with Town Council and staff on behalf of ratepayers to ensure and enhance our community’s quality of life.”
"Keeping the BMRA membership informed"
The Sustainable Path – Vision Document for TBM’s Future
The Sustainable Path, the document created 10 years ago to craft a vision for the Town of Blue Mountains’ desired future, has been referenced frequently in the all candidates meetings leading up to the election. We thought TBM residents would find it interesting to read the Sustainable Path, so we have provided it for your review.
“ BMRA serves in an advocacy role with Town Council and staff on behalf of ratepayers to ensure and enhance our community’s quality of life.”
"Keeping the BMRA membership informed"
Paula Hope resigns from Library Board
Paula Hope, TBM Council Candidate, resigned her position as a Town of Blue Mountains Library Board member on Friday, February 22, 2019.
Hope submitted her resignation the day after the Library Board met for the first time since the Library’s expansion budget was presented recently to Council.
Hope confirms that she is looking forward to her role on the TBM Communications Committee, a Council committee to which she has also been appointed.