“ BMRA serves in an advocacy role with Town Council and staff on behalf of ratepayers to ensure and enhance our community’s quality of life.”

"Keeping the BMRA membership informed"

90 Day Priorities

With the voting period about to start, the BMRA wanted to share with our members a chart that summarizes the top three priorities for the candidates. Almost all of the candidates have been able to provide that information to us – when the election is complete and the make up of the new Council confirmed, we will use the list of priorities as the basis for periodic progress reporting.

Link to: 90 Day Priorities Chart

What we have found is that most of the candidates have included a mix of these four core issues in their personal priority listing;

– focus on attainable housing

– rebuild trust on Council

– update and implement official plan(s)

– improve local transit

We trust that you will find this information helpful.

BMRA Board
