“ BMRA serves in an advocacy role with Town Council and staff on behalf of ratepayers to ensure and enhance our community’s quality of life.”

October, 2023 Update:  The Thornbury Wast Water Plant Expansion has increased from $29M to $32.2M

May, 2023 Update: Council approved an additional budget of $4.873M for the Thornbury Waste Water Plant Expansion due to rising construction costs, bringing the total budget for this project to $29M, compared to the original budget of $18M – a significant variance.

There are currently 9 major infrastructure projects in progress in the Town of The Blue Mountains. For the past year, the BMRA has been working with the TBM Operations Staff to develope an informative Major Infrastructure Tracking Log, so that we may be able to communicate to our Members the status of these projects, their projected costs and anticipated completion dates

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