“ BMRA serves in an advocacy role with Town Council and staff on behalf of ratepayers to ensure and enhance our community’s quality of life.”

Growth and Development in TBM:

Here’s your chance to have a say in how much, how fast and how to protect what’s important.

The recently announced “Official Plan 5 Year Review” may not sound like the most exciting news, but it’s easily one of the most important projects our Town will undertake in 2021-22.

The Official Plan (OP) is the primary legal document that governs how our Town grows and develops. It covers everything from the scale and density of new buildings and subdivisions to requirements for critical services like schools, parks, water & sewer systems, roads and bike paths. It also defines where the growth doesn’t go – how we protect the trees, watersheds, beaches, agricultural lands and other assets that are so important to our quality of life.

An Official Plan review happens every five years, and this one is more important than ever. TBM is currently facing unprecedented development pressures, and there are some serious questions about how and whether this growth can be managed sustainably.

It all starts on July 12, 2021, with the first Public Meeting for the OP review process. We’ll get a presentation from Town staff on what’s involved, and we’ll be invited to comment on key issues such as the scope of the review, our top priorities, and our overall vision for TBM for the next 25 years.

This will be followed by more public meetings and opportunities to review draft documents in the coming months. Notice of the upcoming Public Meeting for the Official Plan 5 Year Review, including links for additional information and speakers’ registration, can be found on the Town’s website at https://www.thebluemountains.ca/public-notices.cfm.

BMRA encourages all members to become engaged with the Official Plan Review process, which will have a major impact on the future of the Town of the Blue Mountains. Please feel free to forward any questions or share your comments and input via email at info@bmratepayers.com

BMRA will be engaged in this process every step of the way, and we’re hoping you will also take advantage of this opportunity to have your say. Click here to review some of the key OP issues to look for.
