“ BMRA serves in an advocacy role with Town Council and staff on behalf of ratepayers to ensure and enhance our community’s quality of life.”

Town Talks – Planning for TBM’s Future

The third of the BMRA’s “Town Talks” virtual member forums was held on Tuesday, April 27. TBM Director of Planning Nathan Westendorp and Councillor Jim Uram joined us for a discussion of the key planning issues facing TBM.

Some of the session highlights included:

  • Control of Growth
  • Public Involvement in Town Planning
  • Sustainability of our Community
  • Official Plan Review

A summary of the issues addressed can be found on BMRA.ca.
Thank you to those participants who took the time to send us their observations and questions in advance of our discussion, with over 80 members who registered.

Any questions that we were not able to answer directly will be passed to TBM Council for their response. 

We experienced technical difficulties that interfered with the final section of the session, but have recovered the recording.  If you weren’t able to join us, please click here for a recording of the session.

As the BMRA plans future sessions, your thoughts on subjects and speakers are welcome!  Please send your suggestions to info@bmratepayers.com.
