“ BMRA serves in an advocacy role with Town Council and staff on behalf of ratepayers to ensure and enhance our community’s quality of life.”

“Keeping the BMRA membership informed”
Residential and Commercial Property Tax Payments Extended
The Town of The Blue Mountains would like to advise the public that at the March 30, 2020 special meeting, Council approved the recommendation to waive penalties and interest for April, May and June for both residential and commercial property taxes and utility payments. This decision effectively extends the property tax and utility due dates to June 30, 2020.
“The extension until June 30, 2020 is an interim measure that was approved by Council as a means to immediately assist residents and businesses within the community,” explained Mayor Alar Soever. “The Province has already extended the deadline for the Town to remit the June 30, 2020 School Board payment until September 30, 2020. In addition, the Town is actively working with Grey County to finalize a deferral for some of the County taxes that are owed. It is anticipated that these additional measures will be incorporated into an extended deferral period for both residential and commercial property taxes and utility payments.”
Property Tax & Utility Information
It is important to note that the tax monthly pre-authorized payment plan (PAP) will be processed as usual unless written instructions to suspend the payment are received three (3) days prior to the 1st of the month. For the tax due date PAP, the May 27th tax instalment due date withdrawal will be moved to the new tax due date of June 30th. In addition, all tax post-dated tax cheques received dated May 27th will be deposited June 30th.
For utility (water and sewer) account payments, the utility due date pre-authorized payments and post-dated cheques for April and June due dates will be processed as usual.
To change your tax and/or utility PAP or cancel your post-dated cheque, please contact the Finance department or call 519-599-3131 ext. 221.
Frequently Asked Questions
To help answer property tax and utility questions, a sheet of frequently asked questions has been created. Click here to open FAQ sheet.
For more information, please contact:
Finance Department
Phone: 519-599-3131 x 276